Supreme SUSU
P2P Savings and Lending

Supreme SUSU Savings is a networked consortium of community and professionals who want more out of what the current financial landscape offers by practicing Asset Building Cirlcles. This is done with your existing banking without over regulating your alternative options. The primary goal of this is app is simple. We offer a supreme way to save money. Studies show that we are 5x more likely to save when you have a group of others holding you accountable towards the goals. Its a simple method to also get free advice from all of our guest in our podcast. No cost to join and only $9/yr to become a member. True Peer to Peer lending and Savings for ABC (asset building circles). Our goal is to place individuals of the diaspora on the road to financial stability and successful finance stewardship. Savings and Education on one platform.

Exactly what is a SUSU???Supreme SUSU is a rotating savings and credit association network that creates self peer to peer lending and is likely one of the oldest proven methods of saving in the history of finance. Some places call them Tanda's, Podnas, Susus, Panderos, Choi Hui, Adashi, Ekub, San, Consorcio, Pasanaku, Bisi, Kameti, Pulugawan, and even Donen Ko. The main goal for our app is to give you a tool to save and work in groups to decide what other opportunities you will take advantadge of. Here at Supreme SUSU we report all of your savings payments to Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union When you regularly report payments to the credit bureau, most of these payments will be standard, on-time payments. When the credit bureaus receive this information, it shows that a positive tradeline is active on the account and in most instances, increases your overall score on credit reports.Increase or repair your credit
Have access to a micro loan
Learn from our podcast
Establish credit history
Save Money
In summary a SUSU is a social loan with 0% interest. A circle of 5-10 members come together to save and one person recieves a payout every full rotation. Once everyone is complete in a full rotation then a consensus is decided on where the money will be placed. It may be invested , spent or gifted or lended deciding what the party chooses.

With payment of your $9 dollars you recieve full membership for 12 months. After you have your membership and your application has been processed you will recieve first acess to our coming mobile app and additional monthly perks announced for our members on every podcast. In addition you will have an invite to our developer channel and have a voice in finishing the app. Most importantly as a member you own a share of the apps success to learn first hand from a plethora of powerful mentors.1. Members will be placed in ABCs (asset building circles) based on the frequency (biweekly/monthly) and the chosen monthly savings amount of $60, $90 , $120 or $180 (All of your private banking information stays with you) (All money is sent in a transparent so everyone knows what the balance of the savings group has.2. Each month will host a weekly series of educational podcast and online reference to help educate as you save. If you are not a member this is a free opportunity to learn before becoming a member. When the rotation of savings is complete a consensus will be built on how those savings will be dispursed. That is solely amongst the members of the ABC.3. Saving payments are recorded and reported monthly by Supreme SUSU to all 3 credit reporting agencies. Allowing members of the ABCs to build their credit while saving.